Rebecca Long-Bailey MP for Salford Putting Salford First
It has been an honour and a privilege to be your representative and to support thousands of residents from across Salford since 2015.
I know all too well the devastating impact 14 years of Tory Government has had on Salford: from not being able to get an appointment with a GP or NHS Dentist, to our public services being starved of funding, to the daily struggle so many face just to make ends meet.
I have been proud to stand with the people of this City through these difficult times; campaigning for a real living wage for our care staff, standing with our public service staff against the stress and underfunding they face, fighting for local workers against Fire and Re-Hire, campaigning for the reinstatement of local bus routes and championing the protection of our green space and local amenities.
I have continually fought for residents; such as those who cannot get the care or treatment they deserve, those facing brutal universal credit cuts, those affected by the fire safety crisis, poor housing, and homelessness and I have campaigned for justice for the women affected by unfair pension age increases and our Nuclear Testing Veterans.
The people of Salford need a strong voice, a real fighter in their corner and I have always given, and will continue to give everything I have to fight for the funding and quality of life the people of this City deserve.